What Execs Want...

What Execs Want...


Best line I've heard in a while, from Ben Robertson (senior consultant in the High-Tech division at Omniture...yeah, I think I'm older than he is :) about how to deal with the common resistance to tracking new metrics in web analytics. You know, metrics besides "unique visitors" and "pageviews" which most executives (and most analysts for that matter) simply call "traffic." Company IT Manager: We can't! That's what our executives want to see! Omniture Consultant: Not it's not! That's just what you've been giving them.

His advice: go ahead and give them what they're asking for, then give them what they should be asking for. Hmmm...

Sense Memories

Sense Memories

H.O.P.E.S. Development

H.O.P.E.S. Development