All in Evaluation

"Ye Have Need of Patience"

I've been vexed all week. Really, vexed. Here's a selection of the blog posts I didn't write this week: "Why Open Education Won't Save the World," "Lurking and Ignorance in Qualitative Research" and "The Malignant Delusion of Educational Assessment.” Like I said... vexed.

Did we design these pages with the object of preparing our students to read scholarly literature, to test their intellectual endurance? Or was it just because this way was easier? Because it’s the way we’ve always done it, or even, perhaps, because it makes us feel smart?

My Metrics Wishlist

The following are a few examples [untainted by any sort of experience with the subject matter, and irrespective of what is currently regarded as possible] of metrics I would find useful for gauging and improving the effectiveness of an instructional website: