A Singlular Experience...

A Singlular Experience...

Just started what might be to coolest class of my graduate career. (Oh, forgive me, second coolest, professor _______ .) Just to give you a taste, this is a quick run-down of my discussion group (about a quarter of the participants in the class):

  • Vasileios Paliktzoglou - Greece
  • Frank Kiel - Germany
  • Johan Hellström - Sweden (in Uganda)
  • SaraJoy Pond - USA
  • Andrés Moreno - Spain (in Finland/Sri Lanka/Kenya)
  • Xavier Justino Muianga - Mozambique
  • Thai Bui - Viet Nam
  • Sören Norrgård - Finland
  • Rajarshi Sahai - India
  • Lenandlar Singh (Len) - Guyana

Notice anything? I am the ONLY American! (I'm also the only woman. Somehow I don't find that quite as exhilarating...perhaps I should.)

I am so excited to be part of an active discussion on issues I am completely passionate about (using information and communication technologies for development) with people from all over the world, who are all commited to (and unquestionably capable of) changing the world.

If you're interested, the class is using the ICT4D Consortium's Elgg site as a discussion forum. I can't imagine anyone would object to lurkers...or even sporadic contributions.



Renewable Energy for OpenEd

Renewable Energy for OpenEd