
Realized yesterday while talking to Mama that you all think I am still shivering here. [Oh, Mama, the title is Guarani: “I’m not cold.”] Actually, the weather the last week or so has been heavenly. Apparently I arrived just in time for what all the students are praying was the worst cold snap of the winter. Just thought I’d let you know I’m not in danger of hypothermia anymore.

I also have gotten just the tiniest taste of what it would be like to be here in the summer—NOT something I am looking forward to…I ended up drenched in sweat the other day after chasing a bunch of cows and goats out of the garden and had to laugh out loud remembering that it’s the dead of winter here!

The Learning of Their Fathers...

The Learning of Their Fathers...

A Few Favorite Photos del Chaco

A Few Favorite Photos del Chaco