All in Education

When we assume that all students have the same access, that they have the same skills, abilities, and understanding of the technologies, our educational use of technology perpetuates the inequality that keeps these "non-natives" out of place, out of privilege, and out of power.

A "Self-Sustaining" School

Logically, most people call San Fransisco a “self-sustaining school” and what we’re working on is a plan to create more “self-sustaining schools.” But here’s the rub: a school is a thing, it is utterly incapable of sustaining itself. I feel like the school relies on students for work, nada mas.

Isn't That Cheating?!

We had exams this week at the Escuela Agricola de San Francisco; complete with cramming the night before, visible stress and consternation on the part of the less prepared students, and cheating…lots of cheating.


I may be ruined again, unable to simply attend a class for the rest of my life, but I left traffic school energized, optimistic, and busily criss-crossing connections to coursework, experiences, and plans for the future. Oh, and I am probably less likely to speed on 9th South.