I Have Never...
We played this game (I was going to make that a link, but turns out this clean-fun game is a toned-down adaptation of a popular college drinking game...hmm) at Family Home Evening Monday night and I ended up in the middle a lot…personally, I think it had much more to do with the fact that I was in a skirt and high-heel boots than the breadth of my life experience but just to drive the fact home, here is a list of very common things I have never done:
- I have never seen Mount Rushmore
- I have never made a prank call
- I have never watched “Titanic”
- I have never scored a point in a basketball game
- I have never attended a rock concert
- I have never pulled out my own tooth
- I have never been to the circus
- I have never made out at a drive-in
- And, no, I have never been to Boston in the Fall.